Advanced tactics to skyrocket your Local Business website’s traffic

Advanced tactics to skyrocket your Local Business website’s traffic

Local Websites thrive when there’s good traffic, and there’s nothing more than website owners want for their businesses, right? There are a plethora of strategies available on the internet that make it seem like a piece of cake. In reality, however, you need to dig deeper. With these advanced traffic techniques, you can get thousands of unique visitors.

  1. Create shareable content

When people find something worth sharing, it triggers a chain reaction. The more your content spreads, the greater its chances of going viral. So, curate engaging blogs and add shareable buttons throughout the post. You can also use attention-grabbing visuals for the same purpose.

  1. Leverage the power of list posts

Not only are list posts easy to navigate but are most commonly shared among various audiences. Statistics prove that they generate considerable traffic which can directly benefit your website. Remember, people share things they don’t have to spend hours reading, and list posts are perfect tools of highlighting what’s important.

  1. Update old posts

Staying relevant is key to online success. However, that doesn’t mean your old blog posts are useless. Quite the opposite actually! Instead of solely relying on new articles, tweak old ones to fit current developments and republish them as if they’re brand-new.

  1. Guest a podcast

Podcasts are the next big thing and many successful individuals are already driving traffic through them. When you go on a podcast, not only do you get more reach, but you can link your website in the show notes to attract more visitors.

  1. Post to social media at optimal times

Identify which times your target audience is most active using Facebook and Instagram insights, and set a schedule. You’ll notice that engagement and click rates will skyrocket once you get the timing right.

Increasing traffic can be a daunting challenge but that doesn’t mean it’s difficult. A lot of factors go into accelerating your virtual popularity but with the right techniques, your website can realize its true potential in no time!


At Two Little Sparrows, we help Yard Sign Businesses and Party Rental Businesses grow with Professional Websites and Digital Marketing. We serve Local Businesses with a storefront or home-based businesses. Know anyone who needs a Website? Email me at or message me